It’s a daily podcast and action-packed books — all designed to help you create a new source of income with-out quitting your job.

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2820 Failure Friday: The Downside of DIY Platforms
2819 TBT: Building a Range of Productivity Tools
2818 Q&A: “My subscribers are paying for nothing…”

Ask Chris

Is my side hustle idea a good one? When do I make the jump from freelance to full-time? Ask Chris and he'll answer your question on the show!

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Do you have a side hustle or a full-time hustle that started on the side? If so, I’d love to hear about it! Share your story for a potential feature on the show.

If you're trying to make a big change, a hustle can help you build a foundation to move on to something else. If you love your day job, that's great too — the hustle will provide a creative outlet and a backup plan.